The Booty Report

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Aye, the scallywags be stuck in Baltimore, surrounded by steel beasts with no hope of escape! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! Twenty-two salty dogs from India be stuck on a cursed vessel what done bonked the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Now they be in a right pickle, caught in the glare of unwanted attention like a drunken sailor in church! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Twenty-two brave seafarers from India be stranded on a ship that be stuck like a barnacle on the Francis Scott Key Bridge. They be in a pickle, that be sure! But what be makin' their predicament even more interestin' be the fact that they be findin' themselves smack dab in the middle of a right ol' spotlight.
Now, ye may be wonderin', why be these sailors gettin' all the attention? Well, it be because their ship be causin' quite the ruckus by blockin' traffic and causin' a right ol' commotion. Folks be talkin' about 'em, whisperin' about 'em, and pointin' fingers at 'em like they be some kind of sea monsters.
But fear not me hearties, for these seafarers be showin' true grit and courage in the face of adversity. They be stickin' together like a band of brothers, makin' the best of a bad situation and keepin' their spirits high through it all.
So next time ye be passin' by the Francis Scott Key Bridge and ye see that ship stuck there, raise a toast to those brave sailors from India who be showin' the world what it means to be a true seafarin' hero. Arrr!

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