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Aye, mateys! A scallywag from the US be caught in the Dominican Republic for sendin' three lasses to Davy Jones' locker in Honduras! Arrr!


Arrr! The scallywag Gilbert Reyes Bermúdez hath been nabbed by the constables in Honduras for the foul deed of sendin' three lasses to Davy Jones' locker on the tourist isle. Aye, justice be swift and merciless on the high seas!

Arr, me hearties! Police in Honduras be tellin' us that a scurvy dog named Gilbert Reyes Bermúdez be caught in the Dominican Republic for allegedly sendin' three women to Davey Jones' Locker in the Honduran island of Roatán.This 36-year-old scallywag be accused o' killin' María Antonia Cruz, Nikendra McCoy, and Dione Solórzano after gallivantin' with 'em on Jan. 6. The next day, Reyes Bermúdez be accused o' fleein' Honduras while the wenches be reported missin'. Their bodies, riddled with gunshot wounds, be found in a vessel three days later, as reported by the Costa Rica newspaper Tico Times.One o' the lasses, Solórzano, be said to be Reyes' former matey, as per the publication.Reyes Bermúdez be sailin' into the Dominican Republic on March 16, as per the online newspaper Dominican Today.The Dominican scrawl Dominican Today be sayin' that authorities be confiscatin' $205 and 600 pieces o' eight from Reyes Bermudez, along with his American passport, two cell phones, and other trinkets. These be in the hands o' OCN-Interpol Santo Domingo.The process to send Reyes back to Honduras be in motion, as declared by the National Police of Honduras on Facebook. The Honduran government be usin' crime scene evidence and witness accounts in the case against him.The Tico Times be sayin' that Honduras be havin' the highest rate o' femicide among Latin American countries and the fifth highest in the seven seas.Fox News be tryin' to reach the U.S. Department of State for a word on Reyes' arrest but be gettin' no response yet. Arr!'

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