The Booty Report

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Arrr, there be a strange tale o' Chinese treachery in Netflix's '3 Body Problem,' aye matey!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis be known that Lin Qi, a wealthy matey who had a hand in makin' the fantastical tale, was made to walk the plank by a treacherous scallywag. The scoundrel now be facin' a fate worse than Davy Jones' locker - the hangman's noose! Arrr!

Arr mateys, gather round and hear the tale of Lin Qi, a wealthy man in the land of China who met his demise in a most treacherous way. This scallywag, who had a hand in bringing a fantastical story to life on the silver screen, was poisoned by a mutinous scoundrel who couldn't bear the thought of his success.
The villainous executive who committed this dastardly deed now finds himself facing a fate worse than walking the plank - the death penalty. Ye see, in this day and age, even the wealthiest and most powerful among us are not safe from the treachery of those who wish them harm.
So let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers out there - be careful who ye trust and never underestimate the power of a vengeful heart. For in this world of cutthroat competition and ruthless ambition, even a billionaire is not immune to a dagger in the dark.
May Lin Qi rest in peace, and may his attacker find solace in the fact that justice, however harsh, has been served. And remember, me hearties, in the game of life, it's not always the biggest ship that sails the farthest.

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