The Booty Report

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"Arr mateys, beware the cursed bridge collapse! Best plot thy course wisely to avoid the treacherous traffic waters ahead!"


Arrr, Tony Thornton be givin' a hearty sigh as he looks ahead to years o' crowded tunnels and highways, with the loss o' the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Aye, 'tis a sad day when a pirate can't sail his ship 'neath the mighty span o' a good bridge!

Arrr, me hearties! Tony Thornton be dreadin' the years to come, with them tunnels and highways bein' more packed than a sardine barrel! The loss of the Francis Scott Key Bridge be a blow to all us landlubbers, makin' our travels all the more troublesome. But fear not, me mateys, for where there be a problem, there be a solution! We'll navigate these treacherous waters together, findin' alternate routes and ways to keep our spirits high despite the challenges ahead.
Let's raise a pint of grog to Tony Thornton, who be facin' this predicament with a brave heart and a sharp mind. He be a true captain of the road, chartin' a course through the chaos and leadin' us to smoother sailin' ahead. So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare for the journey ahead. We'll face these trials and tribulations with a hearty laugh and a twinkle in our eyes, for nothin' can keep us down for long when we be united in our quest for adventure and good cheer!

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