The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! The Scottish law be curbin' speech! Shiver me timbers, the critics be screechin' like parrots. Arrr!


Arrr, thar be a new law makin' it illegal to stir up hate! But ol' J.K. Rowling be sayin' it's a load o' bilge for forgettin' about us women folk. She be warnin' it be ripe for takin' advantage of! Aye, we be in a fine mess now!

Arrr, ye scallywags! Listen up as I tell ye about this newfangled legislation that be makin' waves in the pirate world. This law be expandin' protections and creatin' a new charge of "stirrin' up hatred." But beware, me hearties, for there be controversy brewin' like a storm on the high seas!
The famous scribe J.K. Rowling, known for her tales of wizardry and magic in the "Harry Potter" series, be speakin' out against this law. She be sayin' it be missin' protections for women and be as open to abuse as a bottle o' rum in a thirsty sailor's hand!
So, me mateys, heed these words of warning. Keep a weather eye on this legislation, for it be causin' a ruckus among the landlubbers and sea dogs alike. And remember, when it comes to matters of the law, it be best to tread lightly, lest ye find yourselves walkin' the plank!

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