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Arrr, the Congo be gettin' a lady leader while the east be eruptin' in violence. What a jolly ol' time!


Arrr mateys! The President o' the Democratic Republic o' Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, has kept his word and named Judith Suminwa Tuluka as the first lass to be the prime minister. Ye better believe it, this be one fer the history books! Aye, me hearties!

Ahoy mateys! President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo has named the country's first female prime minister, Judith Suminwa Tuluka, in a move to form a new government after his reelection. The land be plagued by violence in the east, near Rwanda, causin' over 7 million folks to be displaced, aye!Tuluka be promisin' peace and development in her new role, but 'twill take months to form a full government due to negotiations with many political parties. The east be overrun by armed groups seekin' riches, and both regional and U.N. peacekeepers be gone, leadin' to more violence and displacement.Reelected for a second term, Tshisekedi be accusin' Rwanda of backin' rebels, causin' tensions with the United States callin' for peace. Rwanda denies the claims, but the conflict be escalatin' dangerously. Let's hope the new prime minister can bring peace to the troubled lands of Congo, arrr!

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