The Booty Report

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Ye be tellin' me José Andrés be feedin' folk in disaster an' war? A true hero, aye!


Arrr, this crew be a fresh face in Gaza, makin' waves with their audacious deeds! They be crafty enough to construct a jetty out o' rubble to bring supplies by sea. Aye, they be showin' the other scallywags how it's done!

Arrr mateys, listen up! There be a new group of swashbucklers in Gaza makin' waves with their bold moves and daring deeds. They be called an aid provider, and they be known for buildin' a jetty out of rubble to bring aid in by sea. Aye, ye heard me right - they be turnin' trash into treasure, usin' their cunning and resourcefulness to help those in need.
These scallywags may be new to the game, but they be makin' a name for themselves with their fearless spirit and can-do attitude. They be takin' risks and takin' charge, showin' the world what a small group of dedicated buccaneers can do when they put their minds to it.
So next time ye be feelin' down in the dumps, remember the tale of these brave souls in Gaza. They be showin' us that even in the darkest of times, there be hope and help on the horizon. So raise yer flag high, me hearties, and join me in a cheer for these modern-day pirates of goodwill!

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