The Booty Report

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Yarrr! Homeowners can defend against squatter madness by brandishing their cutlasses and waving the Jolly Roger flag!


Arrr! The scallywags known as squatters be plaguing the land like a cursed storm! If ye treasure yer ship (erm, I mean home) and wish to ward off these ruffians, this here advice be yer best bet for a successful defense. Aye, me hearties!

Avast ye, land lubbers! If ye be the proud owner of a fine abode, listen up! It seems that scallywags are takin' advantage of honest folk while they be away on voyages or business trips. Arrr, these trespassers be claimin' rights to homes from New York to Atlanta and even Los Angeles!And when the rightful owners call upon the constabulary for aid, they be told it's a civil matter! Aye, they must embark on a long and treacherous journey through the courts to evict these scurvy squatters, all the while havin' their property pillaged and plundered.But fear not, me hearties, for some states be takin' action! Florida and Georgia be passin' laws to thwart these dastardly deeds. Yet, in the blue states like California and New York, hope be scarce as the Democrats be pushin' laws to protect the scallywags!But take heart, for the Constitution be on our side! Property rights be sacred, and the courts be strikin' down laws that favor the invaders over the rightful owners. The time be ripe to protect our homes from these marauders!So, batten down the hatches, me mateys, and be vigilant against these nefarious deeds. And remember, as the Venezuelan scallywag says, "If a house be empty, we can seize it." Stay safe, me hearties!

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