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Avast ye! 27 scallywags sent to Davy Jones' locker after blaze be breakin' out at Istanbul tavern during renovations.


Arr mateys, tis a sad tale indeed! 27 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker after a fiery mishap at a tavern in Istanbul. 'Twas during renovations, they say. Avast, may they rest in peace, and let us raise a tankard in their honor.

Avast ye, me hearties! A fire be blazin' at an Istanbul nightclub, takin' the lives of at least 27 souls who be caught in the flames. Arrr, officials be sayin' that the fire broke out durin' renovations at the Masquerade nightclub, which be closed for repairs. The club be located in a 16-story residential buildin' in the Besiktas district, on the European side of Istanbul.The Istanbul governor's office be reportin' that one poor soul be still bein' treated in a hospital for their injuries sustained in the fire. The cause of this tragedy be under investigation, but it be believed that the victims be workin' on the renovations at the time of the blaze.Aye, several scallywags, includin' the club managers and them in charge of the renovations, have been detained for questionin' by the authorities. The mayor be sayin' that the entire buildin' be under inspection to ensure its safety.Firefightin' crews and medical teams be dispatched to the scene to battle the flames and tend to the injured. Let us raise a toast to the brave souls who be riskin' their lives to save others in this tragic event. Aye, may they find peace in Davy Jones' locker.

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