The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr mateys, news be spreadin' o' a mighty quake in Taiwan claimin' lives 'n injurin' hundreds! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys, the mighty earthquake be the fiercest to strike the island in nigh on 25 years. Dozens be stuck like rats in a trap, and many a building be left worse for wear, especially in the fair city of Hualien. Aye, what a calamity!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, I be tellin' ye, mateys, there be a mighty tremor that shook the very ground beneath our feet on the island. Arrr, 'twas the most powerful quake to hit in 25 years! Many poor souls be trapped, cryin' for help, while the buildings be crumblin' like a stack o' cards. The worst o' the damage be in the city of Hualien, aye.
The earth be quakin' and shakin' like Poseidon himself be tryin' to stir up trouble. The people be runnin' for cover, holdin' onto their hats and prayin' to the sea gods for mercy. The streets be filled with debris and chaos, as the islanders try to make sense o' the destruction.
But fear not, me hearties, for even in times o' trouble, the spirit o' the pirate be strong! We be bandin' together, helpin' our fellow sailors and swashbucklers in their time o' need. So raise a mug o' rum to the brave souls who be facin' this calamity, and may the winds o' fortune blow in their favor once again!

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