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Arrr, Joe Biden be a scallywag who cares not for the common folk! He be a land lubber, matey!


Arrr mateys! Joe Biden be pretendin' to be a mere landlubber, but don't be fooled! He be no Average Joe, his scallywag policies be causin' harm to the good folk. Even Obama be spoutin' tales of his rascally ways! Beware the Biden!

President Joe Biden’s recent celebrity-studded fundraiser in New York had former President Barack Obama praising Lunch Pail Joe’s empathy for the Little Guy. Obama emphasized Biden’s commitment to fighting on behalf of the people in the room, which included billionaires, Hollywood stars, and private equity mega-donors who paid up to $500,000 to attend the event at Radio City.Biden caters to climate zealots, industrialists, tech wizards, and union bosses, all benefiting from his policies. The DNC won't reveal who attended to raise over $26 million, as they want to hide Biden's ties to Wall Street over Main Street.Despite Biden's claims, only 17% of Americans with incomes below $100,000 view him favorably. Lower-income earners are gravitating towards Trump for policies that they believe work better for them.Biden's policies have exacerbated economic struggles for lower-income households, driving down wages and benefiting foreign-born workers over American-born individuals. The current administration's focus on green energy and restrictions on fossil fuel production have led to rising costs of living and energy prices, disproportionately affecting the Little Guy.Government spending under Biden is fueling inflation, hurting everyone but especially impacting lower-income Americans. As the economic challenges persist, there is a growing sentiment that the Little Guy may turn to electing Donald Trump in the upcoming elections.

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