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Avast ye, mateys! The Cyprus commander be cryin' to the EU to scupper the Syrian scallywags sailin' in from Lebanon! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! This Cypriot President, Nikos Christodoulides, be askin' the EU to put a stop to the floodin' of Syrian refugees from Lebanon's waters. Arrr, be it a battle of immigration on the high seas! Aye, let's see if the EU can navigate this treacherous sea!

Arrr, ye scallywags! The president of Cyprus be in a right pickle, beggin' the European Union to help put a stop to boatloads of Syrian refugees headin' for their shores. The EU be givin' Lebanon plenty o' gold to help their own folk and them Syrian refugees, but now they be causin' trouble for Cyprus. President Christodoulides be havin' a word with EU Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen, sayin' that this be a serious problem for both Cyprus and the EU.In the last couple o' days, over 350 migrants, mostly Syrians, be landin' in Cyprus by boat, with more on the way. Last month, 450 Syrians on six boats sailed from Lebanon to Cyprus. The EU be willin' to give Lebanon more gold to handle the refugees, but only if they keep 'em from sailin' to Cyprus.Cyprus be back in crisis mode, with the president gatherin' his officials to figure out how to deal with the sudden influx. They be thinkin' of takin' drastic measures, even if the locals don't like it. They be talkin' about makin' safe zones for repatriatin' the refugees, tryin' to get other EU countries on board.With wars brewin' in the Middle East, the EU needs to make a collective decision on Syria to avoid more trouble. So, me hearties, the president be workin' hard to keep the peace and find a solution to this migrant mess!

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