The Booty Report

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Arr, a mighty tempest be strikin' the South China seas, claimin' 7 souls to Davy Jones' locker! Nay good!


Avast ye landlubbers! A fierce tempest hath struck China's Jiangxi province, with winds as savage as a typhoon. Seven souls have been sent to Davy Jones's locker, and over five hundred scallywags have been forced to abandon ship. Aye, 'tis a dire situation indeed!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, rare storms with typhoon-like winds have caused a ruckus in China's southern Jiangxi province. At least seven souls have met their end, three of them abruptly taken from their lofty abodes by the ferocious winds while in the midst of a peaceful slumber.The extreme weather, which began its rampage on March 31, has engulfed nine cities including Nanchang and Jiujiang, leaving 93,000 souls in 54 counties feeling the wrath of Mother Nature. The howling winds tore through the cities, ripping windows off their hinges and snatching people from their beds, sending them plummeting to their doom.Authorities have reported seven casualties so far, with 552 people requiring urgent evacuation and thousands of houses left battered and bruised. The storms, accompanied by thunderous sheet lightning and hailstones as large as golf balls, have caused a staggering $21 million in economic losses.China's weather bureau issued warnings of hurricane-level winds, a rarity in the landlocked province of Jiangxi. The tempestuous weather is expected to continue, with the national forecaster keeping a vigilant eye and issuing warnings to the wary inhabitants of southeastern China.

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