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Arrr mateys, word be spreadin' of a land lubber tryin' to sneak a fentanyl-filled burger past the border!


Arrr! The scallywags from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection stumbled upon a hidden treasure of fentanyl between the beef patties at the border. Shiver me timbers! It be a risky business tryin' to sneak such loot past the keen eyes of these officers!

Arr, mateys! The border officials be in a tizzy over a lass who tried to smuggle fentanyl inside a hamburger across the southern border. Aye, ye heard right! They found a pack of fentanyl stuffed between the burger patties, cleverly wrapped in plastic. This daring escapade took place at the Paso del Norte International Bridge between El Paso, Texas, and Juárez, Mexico.It seems this 27-year-old scallywag was getting crafty with her drug smuggling, as the DEA declared fentanyl be the top cause of overdose deaths in the land. In 2023 alone, the DEA seized a staggering amount of fentanyl pills and powder. This be a dangerous game she be playin'.Meanwhile, the CBP be on a roll intercepting illegal drugs and nabbing fugitives. They seized meth, fentanyl, marijuana, and a hefty sum of illicit currency. Director Field Operations Hector A. Mancha praised the hard work of the officers in keepin' our communities safe.And that ain't all! Recently, a shipment of roses hid a fortune in narcotics inside a refrigerated tractor-trailer. The CBP officers discovered bags of meth and cocaine among the flowers, making for a wild tale on the high seas of illegal drug smuggling.Fox News be seekin' comment from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and mayhaps we'll hear more about this daring escapade. Arr!

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