The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The digging of Puerto Rico's grand port hath begun, but beware the cursed turtles and corals! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The scurvy dogs be complainin' 'bout us makin' the seaport deeper. We be takin' out 3 million cubic yards o' muck from the ocean floor, all for a measly $62 million. Arrr, it be like searchin' for buried treasure!

In a jolly ol' tale from the high seas, a daring $62 million project to dredge Puerto Rico’s grandest seaport commenced amidst a ruckus of protests from environmentalists and a lawsuit looming on the horizon. Led by swashbucklers from Curtin Maritime, nearly 3 million cubic yards of sea floor shall be plundered to widen the path for mighty tankers heading to a new liquid natural gas haven on the island's northern shores.Ahoy, the dredged bounty will be cast into the Atlantic Ocean, aye, two nautical miles away from our fair shores, under the watchful eye of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Captain Pedro Pierluisi, ruler of Puerto Rico, declared this venture shall bring a treasure trove of $400 million to the local coffers, with the diggin' set to be done by October.Yet, scallywags from the Center for Biological Diversity be cryin' foul, suing the government for imperiling precious corals and critters. Verily, the battle rages on in court, as the fate of the seagrass-munchin' manatees and the coral reefs hangs in the balance.While the cannons of controversy boom, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers vows to forge ahead, proclaiming the dredging as a boon for Puerto Rico's economic treasures and future fortunes. Aye, the high seas of San Juan harbor beckon, as the echoes of dredging vessels ring out in the salty air, heralding a new chapter in the island's saga.

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