The Booty Report

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Arr! Ye scallywag of a lad be blamin' his misdeeds on the bullyin' he received. Walk the plank, matey!


Arrr, the scallywag of a lad, aged 12, be claimin' he was a victim of bullying at the school in Vantaa, Finland. The young rapscallion be spoutin' excuses to the constables, tryin' to wriggle out of his deeds. 'Tis a tale as old as the seven seas!

Avast ye mateys! A scurvy 12-year-old lad be suspected of fatally shooting a classmate and wounding two others in Finland. Arrr, the scallywag told the coppers he be bullied at school, as the nation mourned the attack. The young buccaneer was caught within an hour of the incident in Vantaa. The shooter and the victims be all shipmates, according to the constables.The Eastern Uusimaa Police Department revealed that the motive for the dastardly deed be the bullying the lad faced. The scallywag had recently transferred to Viertola school and had been targeted by the rapscallions. In Finland, the legal age for criminal actions be 15, so the lad cannot be arrested. Instead, he be questioned by the law and handed over to child welfare authorities.The whole country be in mourning, as flags fly at half-mast and flowers be laid near the school where the tragedy occurred. The lad be found with a pistol-like weapon that belonged to a relative. Finland, known for its strict gun laws, tightened regulations after previous school shootings. Despite the high number of firearms in the country, gun ownership be a cherished tradition. Ye be warned, bullies be not tolerated on these high seas!

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