The Booty Report

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Arrr, when a hairy beast be settin' foot in Central Park, ye best grab yer spyglass and brace yerself for a wild rumble!


Arr matey, 'twas a grand sight to see! A scallywag in full sasquatch garb, traipsin' through Central Park like a landlubber lost at sea. 'Twas a publicity stunt fit for a buccaneer's tale, sure to draw in a crowd o' curious landlubbers. Aye, 'twas a sight to behold!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, I've got a tale to tell ye about the movie "Sasquatch Sunset" that'll have ye rolling on the deck with laughter. Picture this, me hearties: a member of the film's crew dressed up as a sasquatch, prowling through Central Park like a great hairy beast on the hunt for treasure.
The scallywags behind this here publicity stunt surely had a sense of humor as big as Davy Jones' locker, for what could be funnier than a giant ape-man terrorizing the landlubbers of New York City? The sight of that hairy beast lumbering through the park must have had the landlubbers running for the hills, crying out for their mamas like a bunch of scaredy cats.
But fear not, me hearties, for there be no real sasquatches in them there parts, just a bunch of scallywags in costumes trying to drum up some excitement for their flick. So next time ye find yerself in Central Park and ye see a hairy beast on the prowl, don't be afraid - just remember it's all in good fun, arr!

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