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Arrr! Turkish scallywags nabbed 2 blokes accused of spying for the land lubbers in Israel! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Arrr! The Turkish scallywags have caught two landlubbers thought to be spyin' for the Israeli intelligence scallywags. They be plunderin' secrets from the merchant companies, aye! Let 'em walk the plank, I say!

Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Turkish authorities be rounding up two landlubbers suspected o' feedin' information to the Israeli spy agency, aye. The scallywags be collectin' details about folks and companies o' interest to Israel, and passin' on the loot to them intelligence officials. Six other scurvy dogs be caught up in the operation, codenamed "Mole-3," but were let loose after bein' questioned, Yerlikaya announced on X, formerly known as Twitter. "We'll never stand for such treachery within our borders," the minister declared. The scallywags be not identified further, but plenty o' folks, includin' private detectives, be nabbed in Turkey since January on suspicion o' spyin' for Israel, mostly on land lubbers from Palestine residin' in Turkey.Turkey and Israel had been on good terms in 2022, but the seas got rough again durin' the Israel-Hamas skirmish. Turkey started slingin' insults at Israel over their actions in Gaza. The head of Israel's Shin Bet mentioned they be ready to go after Hamas even in places like Lebanon, Turkey, and Qatar. President Erdogan o' Turkey gave Israel a stern warnin' about "serious consequences" if they dared to attack Hamas on Turkish soil. Aye, the seas be choppy indeed!

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