The Booty Report

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Arrr! Mexico be givin' Ecuador the ol' heave-ho after they be messin' with their embassy! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Avast ye scallywags! Jorge Glas, a former vice president, be hidin' in the Mexican Embassy like a landlubber! The Mexican president cries foul, claimin' it be an international law breach! Shiver me timbers! The drama be fit for a play on the high seas!

Arr matey, let me regale ye with a tale of intrigue and treachery on the high seas of politics! Ye see, Jorge Glas, a scurvy former vice president, sought refuge at the Mexican Embassy in the bustling port of Ecuador’s capital. But alas, Mexico’s president cried foul, declaring his arrest a violation of international law!
The scallywags in power thought they could outwit the laws of the sea, but they underestimated the cunning of our matey Jorge Glas. He may have been cornered like a rat, but he wasn’t ready to walk the plank just yet!
As the news spread like wildfire across the seven seas, the pirates of the political world held their breath, wondering what would become of this daring escape. Would Jorge Glas be able to outmaneuver his foes and make a clean getaway, or would he be forced to walk the plank and face the wrath of the law?
Only time will tell, me hearties, but one thing be certain – the saga of Jorge Glas and the Mexican Embassy be a tale that will be sung by sailors for generations to come!

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