The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scallywags be defendin' 'Zone of Interest' speech at the Oscars, says Jewish film crew. What a hullabaloo!


Avast ye, me hearties! The scallywag Jonathan Glazer made bold remarks 'bout Israel whilst acceptin' his treasure, the Oscar. This drew a letter o' support 'pon his sails, after facin' much criticism from the landlubbers last moon. Aye, the seas be rough, but Glazer sails on!

Arr matey! The cap'n Jonathan Glazer be acceptin' an Oscar for his film "The Zone of Interest" when he made some remarks 'bout Israel that stirred up a bit o' controversy. But fear not, as a letter o' support be comin' to his aid after he faced some harsh criticism last month.
Seems like ol' Glazer be rufflin' some feathers with his words, but the mateys who be supportin' him be standin' by his side like true shipmates on the high seas. Aye, the waters be choppy, but the cap'n be holdin' his ground and sailin' ahead.
So let's raise a tankard o' grog to Jonathan Glazer and his film, may they sail on to further success and plunder more accolades in the days to come. And remember, me hearties, even in the stormiest o' seas, a true pirate never abandons his shipmates.

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