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Arrr! A judge in Argentina be acknowledgin' the mistreatment of 20 nuns after many a year, aye!


Arrr mateys! A scallywag judge in Argentina hath declared that 20 cloistered nuns in the north be sufferin' abuse from them high-ranking clergy for over two score years! The Catholic Church be gettin' a proper reckoning, har har har!

An Argentine judge has ruled that 20 cloistered nuns in the country's conservative north suffered abuse by high-ranking clergy for over two decades, ordering the accused archbishop and church officials to undergo psychological treatment and gender discrimination training. The ruling, in Pope Francis' homeland, highlights ongoing abuse of nuns by priests and bishops in the Catholic Church. Despite being overshadowed by other scandals, these abuses are now being exposed and condemned, with nuns emboldened by the #MeToo movement and #NunsToo.Judge Carolina Cáceres stated that the nuns experienced religious, physical, psychological, and economic violence for years, with the verdict to be conveyed to Pope Francis. The accused clergy members deny the allegations, with the archbishop's lawyer planning to appeal. The nuns' lawyer praised the ruling for recognizing their plight and gender discrimination.Recent years have seen cases of abuse by priests against nuns and consecrated women emerging, often ignored by the Vatican and local hierarchies. The Discalced Carmelites nuns at San Bernardo Monastery in Salta brought their case to secular courts, citing mistreatment including verbal insults, threats, humiliation, and physical assault. The judge described the abuse as stemming from the church's hierarchy and culture of silence.

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