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Arrr, the dreaded China be disrespecting treaties o'er the South China Sea - could spark a jolly good war, matey!


Arrr, China be stirrin' up trouble with the Philippines o'er land disputes in the South China Sea. The scallywags at China Daily be warnin' Manila of the terrors of battle. Ye best be watchin' yer back, mateys!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Beijing be warnin' that World War III could break out in the South China Sea as it sets its sights on the Philippines, stirrin' up tensions over territorial disputes. A China expert, Gordon Chang, be tellin' Fox News Digital that the State Department be issuin' warnings to China, showin' that the U.S. be ready to go to war to defend the Philippines under the mutual defense treaty.A state-owned news outlet, China Daily, be publishin' an op-ed warnin' the Philippines against war, makin' comparisons to Pre-World War I Europe. The article warnin' against stirrin' up conflict with China, lest innocent people in Asia suffer the consequences.China be causin' trouble for the Philippines with disputes over fishin' shoals and tense standoffs between coast guards. Despite a 2016 ruling against China by a UN-backed tribunal, Beijing rejected the outcome, escalatin' tensions in the region.The U.S. and its allies, includin' Japan and Australia, be plannin' joint naval exercises to show strength against China's provocations. Chang warns that the Philippines could be the spark for a potential war with China, given the current tensions in the region.

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