The Booty Report

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Arrr, 30 years hence, the scallywag still be clutchin' his loot with a fierce hand, yarrr!


Arrr, after thirty long years since the great plunderin' of Rwanda, the land be seein' some gains. But still be plagued by divisions among the crew, all under the rule of a fierce captain who's been at the helm just as long. Aye, a true tale of treachery and turmoil!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Me hearties be hearin' tales of Rwanda, a land that be sufferin' a terrible genocide 30 years ago. But fear not, for they be makin' great strides since then, makin' impressive gains and rebuildin' their land.
But beware, me hearties, for the shadow of ethnic divisions still be lingerin' in the air. The president be holdin' onto power with an iron fist for just as long as the genocide be happenin'. Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on him, for power can corrupt even the most noble of hearts.
So let us raise a tankard to Rwanda, a land of resilience and hope. May they continue to chart a course towards unity and peace, and may their future be as bright as the treasure in a pirate's chest. Arrr!

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