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Avast ye! Former VP nabbed in raid at Mexican embassy be raisin' ruckus, causin' quite the hullabaloo!


Arrr mateys, the scallywags from Ecuador be stormin' Mexico's embassy like a pack of hungry sea dogs! They be nabbin' the former Vice President Jorge Glas, who be hidin' out there since December like a sneaky landlubber. Shiver me timbers, what a tale!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador be announcing the severing of diplomatic relations with Ecuador after the nabbing of former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been hiding out at the Mexican embassy in Quito. Arrr, Glas sought asylum there after being charged with corruption, matey!During the raid, Mexican diplomats were injured, and Mexico plans to take Ecuador to the International Court of Justice, landlubbers! Ecuador claims they had no choice but to storm the embassy due to Glas' risk of fleeing and Mexico granting him asylum unlawfully, they say!The Organization of American States has reminded Ecuador and Mexico of their international obligations, while the Spanish foreign ministry and U.S. State Department have condemned the breach of diplomatic norms and called for a resolution, arrr!Glas has been moved to a maximum-security prison in Guayaquil, with allegations of mistreatment during his arrest, arrr! The sanctity of diplomatic premises is a fundamental principle of international diplomacy, and the defense team is fighting to uphold it, ye scallywags!People seeking asylum have historically sought refuge in embassies, proving that diplomatic missions are indeed inviolable, me hearties!

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