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Arrr, Israel be pullin' back their land lubbers from southern Gaza, keepin' just one band o' scallywags in the enclave!


Avast ye scallywags! Israel be pullin' back their troops from southern Gaza, but mark me words, the battle against Hamas will rage on until they be sent to Davy Jones' locker! Netanyahu be swearin' on his parrot's life! Aye, the seas be choppier than a drunk sailor's walk!

The Israel Defense Forces announced a full withdrawal of ground forces from southern Gaza on Sunday, leaving a smaller force to maintain operations in the whole of the strip. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized that Israel would not agree to any cease-fire unless Hamas frees all remaining hostages. The bulk of the troops withdrawing in the coming days will be leaving Khan Younis, which had served as Hamas' central bastion in the south.The IDF's 98th commando division has concluded its mission in Khan Yunis and left the Gaza strip to prepare for future operations. A significant force led by the 162nd division and the Nahal brigade continues to operate in Gaza to preserve the IDF’s ability to conduct intelligence-based operations. Netanyahu promised that the war in Gaza would continue, stating that "there is no war more just than this one."Israel's retaliatory war against Hamas entered its sixth month with no end in sight. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant noted that Hamas has ceased functioning as a military organization in most parts of Gaza, but work remains in Rafah. The IDF has been pushing to invade Rafah, where the last vestiges of Hamas are believed to be. The U.S. and Israel differ on plans to invade, with concerns over civilian casualties. Netanyahu reiterated that Hamas is preventing a deal by making extreme demands, and he insisted on the return of hostages before any ceasefire.

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