The Booty Report

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Ye scallywag caught for settin' Bernie Sanders's office ablaze in Vermont! Walk the plank, ye fiery fool! Arrr!


Arrr, them prosecutors and scurvy police couldn't find a reason for the fire, set ablaze on a Friday. Luckily, no souls were harmed in the process. Guess the culprit be a ghost pirate, playin' tricks on us landlubbers!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in charge be scratchin' their heads over a fire that started on a fine Friday. The landlubbers in the fancy coats, known as prosecutors and the coppers, be claimin' they ain't got a clue as to why someone would be lightin' a fire with no one gettin' hurt in the process.
It be a puzzler indeed! Ye would think a pirate with a keen eye for mischief would be able to sniff out a motive quicker than a rat jumpin' ship. But alas, the answer be eludin' them like a ship in a fog.
Perhaps 'twas a rogue mermaid playin' with matches, or a ghostly apparition seekin' revenge on the land dwellers. One can never be sure in these strange times we be livin' in.
But fear not, me hearties! The pirates among us know that a mystery like this be as thrilling as findin' a chest of gold at the end of a rainbow. So let us raise a tankard of rum to the unknown culprit and pray they be caught before they be strikin' again!

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