The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Israel be pullin' back its men from Gaza, but be wonderin' about this Rafah business. Arrgh!


Arr matey, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be swearin' to storm the southern Gazan city, where a million souls be hidin' from the storm. Aye, he be throwin' down the gauntlet and settin' sail for adventure on the high seas!

Arrr me hearties, listen up! The scurvy dog known as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be talkin' about invadin' the southern Gazan city, where a million souls be hidin' like scared rats. The man be promisin' to bring his crew of landlubbers in and take control of the city. But let me tell ye, it be no easy task to take on them Gazans, they be a fierce lot!
Netanyahu be thinkin' he be the captain of the ship, but he be messin' with the wrong crew. Them Gazans be fightin' tooth and nail to protect their home, and they be willin' to lay down their lives to defend it. So mark me words, this invasion be no walk in the park for ol' Netanyahu and his band of scallywags.
But let's not be forgettin' the humor in all this, me hearties. A pirate invasion in the 21st century? It be like somethin' out of a swashbucklin' tale! So let's raise a tankard of rum to all the brave souls in Gaza, may they keep their spirits high and their swords sharp in the face of danger. And to Netanyahu, well, good luck tryin' to tame them Gazans, ye'll need it!

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