The Booty Report

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Arrr! 'Tis said that 96 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker after their vessel met its watery doom in Mozambique's waters!


Arrr mateys, some of the scallywags were on their way to a jolly fair while others were scurrying away from the dread disease known as cholera. A local official blabbed about it all, as if anyone cared! Har, har, har!

Arrr! 'Tis said that 96 souls be sent to Davy Jones' locker after their vessel met its watery doom in Mozambique's waters!

Arr, me hearties! It be a tale of woe and fear on the high seas! Aye, some poor souls were on their way to a fair, lookin' for a bit o' merriment and joy. But alas, fate had other plans for them! The dread cholera outbreak was looming, and they fled in terror, fearin' for their very lives!
It be a sad sight indeed, me mateys, to see them runnin' from the invisible enemy that be lurkin' in the shadows. A local official, he be tellin' the tale of their flight, speakin' of the desperation in their eyes and the fear in their hearts.
But fear not, me hearties! For we be strong and brave, and we shall weather this storm together! Let us raise a toast to those poor souls, lost in the turmoil of the seas. And let us pray for their safe passage to the shores of eternity.
So hoist the sails, me mateys, and steer a steady course through the stormy waters! For we be pirates, bold and true, and we shall prevail against whatever challenges may come our way!

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