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Arrr, Rufus Sewell be a gasping prince in 'Scoop', lookin' like he be chokin' on a fish bone! Arrr!


In the latest moving picture, "Scoop," now available for viewing on the Netflix, Rufus Sewell portrays the hapless nobleman stumbling through a recent parley with the BBC in the year of our Lord 2019. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up 'bout this here flick called "Scoop" on Netflix. Ye got Rufus Sewell, a right scallywag, playin' a royal who be disgraced and makin' a mess o' things in a BBC interview from 2019. He be trippin' over his own tongue like a landlubber walkin' the plank!
Ye'll be rollin' on the deck with laughter watchin' this bumbling bloke tryin' to save face and failin' at every turn. Sewell be bringin' the funny in this swashbucklin' tale of a royal in hot water, tryin' to navigate the treacherous waters of the media.
So gather 'round, me mateys, 'cause this be a jolly good time. Ye'll be howlin' like a scurvy dog at Sewell's antics and rootin' for him to make it out in one piece. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the high seas of laughter with "Scoop" on Netflix!

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