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Arrr, Ukraine be swearing on the Jolly Roger that they didn't be sendin' drones to Russia's nuclear treasure trove!


Arrr mateys, the Ukrainian scallywag be swearin' they didn't send no drones to attack the Nuclear Power Plant, but the U.N. be sayin' otherwise. Ye can't trust these landlubbers, always tryin' to cover their tracks like a sneaky sea serpent!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, a scallywag from Ukraine be denying the accusations made by the Russian scoundrels that his country’s army be firing exploding drones at Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, which the Kremlin’s forces have been occupying and running in southern Ukraine since shortly after the war began more than two years ago, arrr!The Ukraine official, Andrii Yusov by name, be saying there were no attacks, claiming those sneaky Russian forces be fabricating stories about strikes on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, aye! Even the U.N.’s atomic watchdog agency confirmed the strikes, but didn’t be pointing fingers at either side, matey.This here plant has been in the line of fire since the Russia invasion began in 2022, me hearties! The International Atomic Energy Agency be worried about the plant and the potential of a nuclear disaster, yarrr!The U.N. confirmed drone strikes on one of the plant’s reactors and the damage be causing a casualty, aye! The IAEA be saying the nuclear safety hasn’t been compromised, but it be a serious incident with the potential for trouble, arrr!The main reactor containment structures be taking direct hits, and the Russians be trying to use their control of the plant to legitimize their occupation of Ukrainian land, aye!

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