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Arrr mateys! Vatican be sayin' gender theory and surrogacy be violatin' human dignity, says the ethics scroll. Har har!


Arrr mateys, the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith be scoldin' the scallywags who be messin' with their gender and havin' babies for others. They be sayin' it be a danger to human dignity. Shiver me timbers!

In a document titled Dignitas Infinita, the Vatican has criticized gender theory, transgender surgery, and surrogacy as threats to human dignity. The Church reaffirms the ontological dignity of the human person and addresses various modern-day issues such as abortion, human trafficking, and euthanasia. The Catholic Church denounces gender theory as an inadmissible ideology, warning against attempts to alter immutable gender. Pope Francis has previously condemned gender ideology as a dangerous colonization.The document emphasizes the importance of sexual difference and the beauty of male-female relationships. It also condemns surrogacy, arguing that it violates the dignity of the child and denies the child's right to a natural origin and life. The Church maintains a pro-life stance, protecting human life from conception to natural death.Dignitas Infinita offers insights into the Church's perspective on ethical issues and serves as a reminder of human dignity amid societal challenges. It aims to provoke reflection on the richness of human dignity based on Gospel teachings, addressing pressing concerns in today's world.

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