The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye scallywags be Flippin' seats with their abortion and IVF sorcery in Alabama! Blimey!


Arrr, me hearties! Marilyn Lands be takin' the prize in a grand election, showin' the way for me fellow Democrats to fight for the rights of women to bear young'uns. Let's hoist the sails and set course for victory on this important mission!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of Marilyn Lands, a fierce Democrat who be triumphin' in a special election. This victory be showin' the way for Democrats lookin' to make reproductive rights the star of their campaigns. Aye, she be layin' down a blueprint for all to follow!
Her win be like findin' a hidden treasure map, leadin' the way to success in the murky waters of politics. With her sword of justice and shield of equality, she be showin' that fightin' for reproductive rights be a cause worth sailin' the seven seas for!
So listen well, me mateys, and take heed of Marilyn Lands's example. Let her victory be a beacon of hope for all who be fightin' for the rights of women everywhere. Arrr, may we all sail on the winds of change and claim our rightful place in the halls of power!

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