The Booty Report

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Arrr, Germany be standin' trial at UN Court fer helpin' out with some genocide business in Gaza! Shiver me timbers!


Arrr mateys! Nicaragua be squabblin' with Germany o'er helpin' Israel! Germany be sendin' a bunch o' fancy lawyers to plead their case. Aye, 'tis a right ol' kerfuffle on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, ye be hearin' the news from Nicaragua? They be claimin' that Germany be helpin' out Israel with military and gold! Aye, ye heard it right me hearties. Nicaragua be accusin' Germany of givin' aid to Israel, and now Germany be sendin' a crew of fancy lawyers to defend themselves.
But let me tell ye, this be one wild tale! Germany be helpin' out Israel with guns and treasure? That be a twist in the wind, me mateys. Who woulda thought that Germany be gettin' mixed up in these shenanigans? But Nicaragua be standin' firm in their accusations, and Germany be standin' by their side with their team of lawyers.
So what be the outcome of this clash of nations? Will Germany be walkin' the plank for helpin' out Israel, or will they be clearin' their name with their fancy legal maneuvers? Only time will tell, me hearties. But one thing be for certain - this be one tale worth tellin' in the taverns and on the high seas!

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