The Booty Report

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Arrr! Switzerland be breakin' climate rules, says the European Court. Walk the plank, ye scallywags!


Arrr, the court be sayin' nay to two other climate-related attempts to hold governments to account! 'Tis a sad day for us swashbucklers fightin' for Mother Nature. But fear not, mateys, we shall keep on sailin' 'til justice be served!

Arrr! Switzerland be breakin' climate rules, says the European Court. Walk the plank, ye scallywags!

Arrr matey! The court be speakin' some fancy words about climate-related attempts to hold governments accountable. They be sayin' that two of them attempts be inadmissible! Aye, the cap'ns be tryin' to make the governments walk the plank, but the court be sayin' nay!
But fear not, me hearties! There be other ways to make them scallywags pay for their crimes against the environment. We just need to be more clever and crafty with our strategies. Maybe we can unleash the kraken of public opinion on them, or make them walk the plank of public shame!
So let's raise the Jolly Roger and set sail on a new course of action. We may have hit a reef with them court rulings, but we be pirates, savvy? We be resilient and resourceful, and we won't let a couple of legal setbacks stop us from fightin' for a greener future.

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