The Booty Report

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Arrr, beware me mateys! Jared Kushner's treasure be bringin' more trouble than a cursed chest o' gold!


Arrr mateys, Jared Kushner's Affinity Partners be throwin' around more than $1.2 billion doubloons, makin' deals across the seven seas. His pappy-in-law, Donald Trump, be eyein' the throne again, bringin' a storm of questions upon their booty. Aye, the plot thickens like grog!

Arrr mateys, listen up! It seems that Jared Kushner, a scallywag with ties to the infamous Donald Trump, has been busy investin' over $1.2 billion in foreign lands through his company, Affinity Partners. This has caught the attention of many landlubbers, as Trump sets sail once again in search of the presidency.
Some folks are wonderin' if this be a conflict of interest, as Kushner's investments be spreadin' far and wide across the seven seas. It be like buryin' treasure in different places, ye see?
While some be scratchin' their heads over this, others be raisin' their eyebrows in suspicion. Who knows what schemes be brewin' in the minds of these two buccaneers?
But fret not, me hearties! The tale of Kushner and Trump be far from over. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, for there be sure to be more twists and turns in this pirate's yarn. And remember, in the world of politics, it be every scallywag for himself!

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