The Booty Report

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Me matey narrowly escapes Davy Jones' locker in failed ship plunder: 'Didn't know if they'd fire the cannons again!' Arrr!


Arrr, Eric Smith, a swashbucklin' scallywag from Puyallup, didst catch a scurvy thief pilferin' from his carriage under the shroud of night. He regaled 'The Ingraham Angle' with this tale of thievery thwarted on yon Monday past. Ahoy!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, a crime wave be sweepin' the nation like a storm at sea! One Washington state man, Eric Smith o' Puyallup, near Tacoma, found himself face-to-face with scallywags tryin' to pilfer his pickup truck in the dead o' night. With a heart as bold as a buccaneer, Smith confronted the brazen bandits, not willin' to be another victim o' their treachery. With crime stories floodin' the news like tales of buried treasure, Smith knew he had to stand his ground.As the drama unfolded in his driveway, Smith found himself in a scuffle with the thieves, dodgin' their attempts to flee in their getaway car. The chase ended with Smith miraculously unharmed, but the criminals still at large. With carjackin' and thievery plaguin' towns from Puyallup to Washington, D.C., Smith's ordeal be a reminder o' the lawlessness that be creepin' through the land.Despite the danger, Smith's quick thinkin' and bravery led to the arrest o' one o' the young scallywags, while the driver remains on the run. The tale of Smith's defiance against the marauders serves as a warnin' to all who may cross paths with these modern-day pirates - be vigilant, be bold, and never let the scoundrels win!

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