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Avast ye mateys! Trump be wrong, them abortion foes be searchin' for a cap'n to lead 'em! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! Since the 2022 midterms, whispers be spreadin' that the life issue be sinkin' the Republicans in elections. 'Tis best left to the states, they say. But beware, me hearties, lest ye be walkin' the plank! ARRR!

President Trump's leadership in reversing Roe v. Wade and restoring the right to protect unborn children and their mothers in the law makes him the most consequential pro-life president in history. However, the narrative that the life issue costs Republicans elections has gained traction since the 2022 midterms, leading candidates to shy away from the issue. President Trump's recent announcement on abortion as a matter of states' rights disappointed many in the pro-life community who seek national leadership against pro-abortion extremism.The Dobbs decision has allowed states and Congress to act in protecting women and unborn children from abortion brutality. While states have enacted pro-life laws, a national conversation on significant limits on late-term abortions is crucial. President Trump and the GOP should embrace and fight for this consensus view, in contrast to Biden's extreme abortion agenda.If Biden and Democrats gain full control of Washington, state-level protections for life will be at risk. The lives of countless women and unborn children hang in the balance, needing national protections and pro-life leadership to prevent pro-abortion extremists from determining the country's future.

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