The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dog! A scallywag be on the run after skewering a fair lass and her wee swabbie! Arrr!


Arrr, mateys! In Oldham, England, poor Kulsuma Akter, 27, met her untimely end by the blade. Aye, she was walkin' with her wee babe in a pram, but fear not, the young scallywag was unscathed in the attack. Aye, tis a strange tale indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! A young lass be stabbed to her death whilst walkin' with her wee babe in Bradford, England! The poor soul, Kulsuma Akter, was attacked whilst pushin' her pram at 3:21 in the afternoon on a Saturday. The scallywag who committed this heinous act be known as Habibur Masum, a 25-year-old from Oldham, who be caught on camera standin' near a bus stop shortly after the deed.Thankfully, the babe be unharmed in the skirmish, but poor Akter was taken to Davy Jones' locker due to her injuries. The coppers be advisin' the folks to keep an eye out for Masum, wearin' a duffle coat with three stripes and grey, white, and black trousers. They also be warnin' that he may still be armed.To make matters worse, another scallywag, a 23-year-old lad, be arrested for helpin' Masum with his dastardly act. The local constabulary be investigatin' the incident and tryin' to calm the fears of the townsfolk.Ye swabs best be on the lookout for Masum and report any sightings to the authorities straight away! Let's hope they catch the scoundrel before he strikes again!

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