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Arrr, the Security Council be giving the Palestinian Authority a glimmer of hope at the UN, but the US be sayin' hold yer horses! Arrr!


Arrr matey! The U.N. Security Council be givin' the Palestinian Authority a glimmer o' hope for full membership in the U.N. But hold yer horses, says the U.S., ye must parley with Israel for yer statehood! Aye, the plot thickens like me grog!

Avast ye landlubbers! The United Nations Security Council be makin' waves in the world o' politics, breathin' life back into the hopes o' the Palestinian Authority to join the ranks as a full-fledged member o' the UN. But hold yer horses, mateys! The United States be throwin' a spanner in the works, sayin' that the relations between Israel and the Palestinians be as rocky as a stormy sea, scupperin' the Palestinian Authority's dreams of UN membership for the time bein'.The U.S., bein' one of the bigwigs with veto powers on the council, be standin' firm that the Palestinian Authority must have a firm grip over all their territories and come to terms with Israel before they can sail into statehood waters.The Palestinian Authority may rule parts o' the West Bank, but they lost their grip on Gaza to Hamas in 2007, leaving them high and dry without power there. The U.S. deputy ambassador be tellin' the press that the decision on Palestinian membership be somethin' that needs to be settled between Israel and the Palestinians, not forced through the UN.As the debate rages on, supporters o' the Palestinian cause be callin' for the Security Council to dust off the application they made in 2011 and give it another whirl. With the conflict between Israel and Hamas still brewin' and the decades-old Palestinian-Israeli feud still smolderin', the pressure be on to find a resolution.The Security Council be settin' a date to make a final decision on the Palestinian membership this month, and the committee weighin' membership bids be meetin' soon. This be a crucial moment in history, say the Palestinian U.N. ambassador, as they strive to make their mark on the global stage.

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