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Arrr, Netanyahu be swearin' no scallywag can stand in our way as we pillage Rafah to crush Hamas!


Arrr, President Biden be talkin' to the Israeli Prime Minister last week, warning him that if he didn't start protectin' the civilians, the U.S. might be reconsiderin' its support. Ahoy, mateys, looks like there be some trouble brewin' on the high seas!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized his military's dedication to eradicating Hamas despite withdrawing ground forces from Gaza. Netanyahu declared, "We will complete the elimination of Hamas' battalions, including in Rafah," asserting that no force could thwart their mission. He addressed new recruits, lauding their commitment to defending the state and repelling attacks that have plagued the Jewish people for centuries. Netanyahu stressed the significance of their role in safeguarding the country's existence for future generations.Netanyahu refused a cease-fire until Hamas released all hostages but withdrew most ground forces after claiming a successful mission in Khan Yunis. The IDF maintained a presence in Gaza to conduct intelligence-based operations. Despite warnings from President Biden and allies against further invasion, Netanyahu vowed to continue the war, deeming it the most just cause.Biden supported calls for new Israeli leadership willing to consider a cease-fire. Negotiations with Hamas to secure hostages have faced obstacles, with both sides resisting compromise. Schumer's speech urging a change in leadership echoed concerns shared by many Americans.Overall, Netanyahu's fierce determination to eliminate Hamas and protect Israel's existence amid international pressure reflects the ongoing conflict's complexities and challenges.

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