Avast ye mateys! Greece be mandatin' QR codes for soccer games after a tragic loss of a fellow officer. Arrr!
Arrr mateys! The Greek scallywags be makin' all soccer match tickets as QR codes to keep track o' ye landlubbers causin' trouble on the pitch. Ye best be behavin', lest ye find yerself banned from attendin' future matches! Aye, the times they be a-changin'!
In a bold move fit for the high seas, Greek authorities have declared paper tickets walk the plank for all league soccer matches. Avast ye, scallywags! Fans must now show their colors using only their trusty cellphones and a government-issued QR code to enter the stadium. This new rule aims to finally keelhaul the violence that has plagued soccer matches for decades.Arrr, stadiums have been closed to landlubbers for two moons to overhaul security measures after a tragic incident that sent a police officer to Davy Jones' locker. Starting today, fans must navigate the treacherous waters of online ticketing and verify their purchase using a state-run app, savvy?Captain Dimitris Papastergiou, minister of digital governance, says the full transition to electronic tickets will be complete in a month. Exceptions be made for the young and old, with plans to expand this system to other sporting events. This move will also allow the Greek police to focus on other matters, instead of manning stadium entrances like scallywags.Yarrr, already 10,000 of the 80,000 season-ticket holders have embraced the electronic system. The winds of change blow strong in the world of Greek soccer, me hearties! Prepare to set sail on this new adventure, or be left swabbing the decks while the rest enjoy the match.