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Arrr! The Colombian prosecutors be settin' sail to try former President Uribe for tamperin' wit' witnesses. Aye, matey!


Arrr mateys, Colombia's once mighty President Álvaro Uribe be walkin' the plank to face trial for bribery and fraud! The prosecutor's office be settin' sail for justice, arrr!

In the depths of Bogota, Colombia, the prosecutor's office be settin' their sights on former President Álvaro Uribe, accusing him of bribery and fraud, arrr! This scallywag could be facin' trial, makin' him the first former president to walk the plank in the Andean country, yarrr!Since a new attorney general sailed into town back in March, the winds have shifted in favor of the prosecution, arrr! The previous crew tried to bury the case twice, claimin' they couldn't find any criminal mischief from Uribe, but those words didn't fly with the judges, arrr!The prosecution be aimin' to make the accusation official at a future court date, settin' the stage for a showdown of epic proportions, arrr! If found guilty of these crimes, Uribe could be spendin' up to eight years in the brig for fraud and twelve years for bribin' witnesses, a fate worse than walkin' the plank, arrr!This tale of treachery began over a decade ago when Uribe accused an opposition senator of tryin' to rope in paramilitaries to testify against him, arrr! But instead of that senator facin' the hangman's noose, Uribe found himself swingin' from the gallows, accused of tamperin' with witnesses himself, arrr!This ol' sea dog, who ruled the land from 2002 to 2010, found himself under house arrest last year, but he's been shoutin' his innocence from the crow's nest, arrr! Will Uribe be walkin' the plank or will he sail away into the sunset unscathed? Only time will tell, me hearties!

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