The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy landlubbers be paintin' yer hands red in a mad quest fer blood, so says tha expert! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags with red hands be claimin' to support Palestine, but they be labeled as brutal villains by the Israel lubbers. Aye, the painted hands be a sign of doom, aye, an existential threat to be feared on the high seas! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it be said that these scallywags with painted red hands be signifyin' the "emasculation of Jews" and representin' a "bloody defeat," arrr! Anne Bayefsky, a swashbucklin' director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, be tellin' Fox News Digital that these red hands be a symbol of "brutality and human depravity," aye!"Aye, those Palestinian hands drenched in Israeli blood be indeed a symbol - a symbol of brutality and human depravity," she said with a touch of a smirk.Bayefsky went on to mention that these red hands became a symbol of the Ramallah Lynching of 2000 during the 2nd Intifada, aye! Ye see, two IDF reservists, Yossi Avrahami and Vadim Nurzhitz, were set upon by a massive mob and met a grisly fate in the West Bank, arrr!"A direct line runs between then and October 7 - and those who continue to excuse, ignore, celebrate or enable the murder, rape, and torture of Jews still goin' on in the hellholes of Hamas-run Gaza," she said with a glint in her eye.On a recent day, landlubbers from Code Pink gathered to protest the Israeli war in Washington, D.C., and more than 50 of 'em were clapped in irons by the U.S. Capitol Police, arrr!

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