The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags at USPS be raisin' the stamp price yet again! Time to plunder yer pockets, mateys!


Arrr mateys, mark me words! The scurvy dogs in charge be thinkin' of raisin' the postage by nearly 8 percent come July. 'Tis but another scheme to plunder our pockets, as they've been doin' since 2021. Aye, we be payin' through the nose for our letters and messages!

Arrrr! Listen up, me hearties! The scallywags at the regulatory body be makin' plans to raise the price o' postage by a hefty 8 percent come July. Aye, ye heard me right! This ain't the first time they be increasin' the cost o' sendin' a scroll since the year o' our Lord 2021. Nay, they've been sneakin' in price hikes left an' right like a bunch o' landlubbers tryin' to sneak aboard me ship!
Now, I don't know 'bout ye, but I be thinkin' this be a load o' bilge water! Why must we pay more pieces o' eight just to send a message across the seven seas? It be enough to make a buccaneer want to walk the plank, I tell ye!
But fear not, me hearties! We pirates be a resourceful lot. We'll find a way to navigate these treacherous waters and avoid payin' the extra booty if we can. So batten down the hatches, me mateys, and let's set sail on the high seas of postal service price hikes! Arrrr!

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