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Be there a treasure chest o' locked up scallywags in the brig, or be it jus' a tall tale? Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Yon legal scallywags be spoutin' forth tales of mass incarceration myths! Methinks they be cookin' up a stew of falsehoods to steer us away from the righteous path of punishment. Avast, ye landlubbers! Let's set sail for the truth!

Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Them left-leaning think tanks be yammerin' on about mass incarceration in the United States, especially in places like Texas, Florida, and New York. But a new parchment penned by two University of Pennsylvania law professors be exposin' the myth behind this narrative.It turns out that the surge in America's brig population since the 1960s can't just be blamed on harsh and unjust punishment. Nay, there be other factors at play, like the swell in population, higher crime rates, improved justice system efficacy, and stricter laws.Arrr, this paper be blowin' the lid off the tall tales spun by them left-leaning researchers and commentators. It points out that many changes in sentencing be alignin' more closely with what the community deems just, especially in cases of heinous crimes like sexual assault, domestic violence, and the like.Instead of followin' foreign countries with lower incarceration rates, we must consider all factors at play in America's justice system. Fear of crime be a real concern for many landlubbers, and most reckon the justice system should be tougher on crime, not more lenient.So, me hearties, let's weigh the facts and not be swayed by emotional narratives. Mayhaps it's time to sail a more reasoned course in the debate over incarceration practices.

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