The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Spanish parliament be thinkin' about lettin' migrants stay. Avast ye, it be a jolly good idea!


Arr mateys, word be spreadin' that a vast number o' landlubbers dwellin' in Spain may soon be granted papers to stay and toil in the land! The parliament be ponderin' this notion, so keep a weather eye on the horizon for updates, me hearties!

In the bustling streets of Barcelona, Spain, a proposal was brought forth to grant residency and work permits to the many foreigners living in the country without proper documentation. This initiative, supported by over 700,000 signatures and 900 organizations, aims to provide legal status to those who arrived before November 1, 2021, including immigrants from Latin America and Africa.With a vote of 310-33 in favor of consideration, the legislation now faces the arduous journey through the lower house of parliament, where it will be debated and likely amended before reaching its final form. This bill not only seeks to grant legal rights to undocumented immigrants but also allows them to pay taxes, contribute to Social Security, and access essential public services.The move comes as a response to the plight of between 390,000 to 470,000 foreigners living irregularly in Spain, often working in low-paid but crucial roles. The aim is to end their vulnerability to exploitation and abuse and grant them equal rights alongside other residents.Furthermore, in a parallel development, Spain announced plans to abolish "golden visas" that granted residency to wealthy non-EU individuals investing in real estate. This dual approach showcases Spain's commitment to inclusivity and equality for all residents, regardless of their background or financial status.

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