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Arrr mateys, the scurvy dogs in Argentina be runnin' out o' bug juice 'cause o' the blasted fever!


Arrr matey! Argentina be plagued with a dread dengue fever, and the scallywags be snatching up all the mosquito repellent faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers!" On the online market, it be sellin' for a booty-load of doubloons more than its worth. Aye, tis a pirate's life for me!

In the land of Buenos Aires, the shelves lie barren, as residents search in vain for mosquito repellent, resorting to DIY methods. Prices have skyrocketed, shocking even those used to high inflation. With the worst outbreak of dengue fever in recent memory, bug spray has become a hot commodity, selling out in stores and online for exorbitant prices.Desperation has led to hoarding and aggressive behavior, as seen in a viral video of shoppers scrambling for bug spray. The government, amidst battling inflation and protests, lifted import restrictions to boost supply and increase local production.The dengue virus has spread across Latin America, with Argentina facing a surge in infections and deaths. Climate change and recent heavy rains have created ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes, exacerbating the problem.Political opponents criticize the government for deregulation and price controls, as pharmacists in Buenos Aires put up signs telling customers not to ask about repellent. Some Argentines have resorted to homemade repellents, as prices online reach five to ten times the original market value.From setting egg cartons on fire to mixing coffee grounds with garlic, creativity abounds in the battle against mosquitoes. As the shortage continues and prices remain high, Argentines are finding unique ways to protect themselves from the buzzing pests.

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