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Arr, not a whisper of advancement in helpin' Gaza, despite all the grand promises from them Israeli scallywags!


Arrr, me hearties! Israel be talkin' a big game about openin' borders and ports for aid, but nary a change be seen. And the scallywags at the U.N. be arguin' about how much aid be makin' it to Gaza. Aye, the seas be rough for those in need!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Last week, Israel be makin' promises to open a border and a port to help with shipments to Gaza, but as ye can see, nothin' has changed on that front. The scallywags in charge be arguin' with the U.N. about how much aid be makin' its way to the poor souls in Gaza.
It be a right mess, I tell ye! The goods be stuck on the docks while the officials be bickerin' like a pair of old seadogs. We be wonderin' if these lubbers be playin' us for fools, makin' empty promises while the people in Gaza be sufferin'.
Arrr, we be keepin' a weather eye on this situation, me hearties. The people of Gaza be needin' the aid that be promised to them, and we be watchin' to see if Israel be keepin' their word. If not, there be bound to be trouble brewin' on the high seas. Let's hope the powers that be come to their senses and do right by the people of Gaza before it be too late.

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