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Ye scurvy dogs, the French be thinkin' 'bout makin' it legal for the doomed to walk the plank! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The French government be talkin' 'bout makin' it legal to end yer own life with poison! Some o' them landlubbers be sailin' to other lands to find the medicine they be needin'. Aye, the seas be a strange place indeed!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, France's government be presenting a bill to allow adults with terminal cancer or other incurable illness to take lethal medication, as public demands be growin' for legal options for aid in dyin'. Many French people be travelin' to neighboring countries where medically assisted suicide or euthanasia be legal. French President Emmanuel Macron be promisin' such a bill fer a long time.To benefit from this newly proposed measure, patients would need to be over 18 and be French citizens or live in France, Health Minister Catherine Vautrin be sayin' after a Cabinet meeting. A team of medical professionals would need to confirm that the patient be havin' a grave and incurable illness, be sufferin' from intolerable and untreatable pain, and be seekin' lethal medication of their own free will. Those with severe psychiatric conditions and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease won't be eligible.If approved, a doctor would then deliver a prescription, valid for three months, for the lethal medication. People would be able to take it at home, at a nursing home or a health care facility. The bill now be goin' to parliament fer debate, with Vautrin urg' an enormous amount of listenin', humility, and respect for the freedom of conscience of each one of us.She also be announcin' 1.1 billion euros in new spendin' on palliative and other end-of-life care. A report last year be indicatin' that most French citizens be supportin' legalizin' end-of-life options, with growin' support over the past 20 years. A 2016 French law provide that doctors can keep terminally ill patients sedated before death but stop short of allowin' assisted suicide or euthanasia.Medically assisted suicide be allow in Switzerland and Portugal and several U.S. states. Euthanasia be legal in the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Australia, Colombia, Belgium, and Luxembourg under certain conditions. Arrr!

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