The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Guatemala's leader be cryin' out for help as 44 infernos be scorchin' the land! Aye, a declaration be made fer a natural disaster! Arrr!


Arrr, the ruler of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo, be cryin' calamity as 44 infernos rage through the land. He says 80% o' these blazes be the doin' o' landlubbers! 'Tis a disaster o' human makin', me hearties!

Arr matey! Guatemala's president be declarin' a natural disaster as 44 forest fires be blazin' across the Central American country. President Bernardo Arévalo be sayin' that 80% o' those fires were started by landlubbers. Seems them farmers be burnin' stubble and grass in their fields, makin' matters worse. No coincidence there!Classes be canceled in three provinces to keep the young'uns safe from the smoke. One o' the biggest fires be near Guatemala City, the capital. The declaration be helpin' to free up funds for fightin' the fires, mateys.Guatemala be used to dealin' with volcanoes, not forest fires. But now they be battlin' the blazes with all hands on deck. Desperate times call for desperate measures, me hearties!So keep an eye on Guatemala, ye scallywags, and send 'em yer well wishes as they fight the fires with all their might. Arr!

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